Tuesday, 4 August 2009

TV News

This is a the TV item Anita mentioned in her comment on Day 7 (see picture of Lāsma and Kate on Day 4).
I downloaded it from YouTube ( www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh1x5hFQVLY&eurl=http://www.jekabpilslaiks.lv/index.php%3Fmod%3D1%26op%3Dout%26id%3D10357%26r%3DJekabpils&feature=player_embedded , so I am assuming there will be no copyright problems, as Vidusdaugavas TV put it there themselves. Should that not be the case, we have some pretty good lawyers on our side. I wonder if they got Graham's permission to use his carefully crafted route map from the blog, without mentioning the address!

For our Latvian readers (translation below), here is the extract from the Jēkabpils portal, www.jekabpilslaiks.lv:
Tiesnesis no Austrālijas jau otro reizi kājām šķērso Latviju
Pievienots: 03.08.2009 14:54

Greiems Andersons ir tiesnesis, kas ar ģimeni - sievu un divām meitām, dzīvo Melburnā, Austrālijā. Par savu hobiju viņš sauc pastaigu. Aizvadītajā vasarā Greiems devies aptuveni 700 kilometrus garā „pastaigā” no Krievijas robežas līdz pat Liepājai, bet šogad - no tālākā Latvijas dienvidu punkta pie Lietuvas robežas, līdz tālākajam ziemeļu punktam pie robežas ar kaimiņvalsti Igauniju. „Man ļoti patīk staigāt! Šogad pārgājiens ilgs tikai 11 dienas. Pagājušajā gadā es gāju 24 dienas. Šogad ir maz!” pastāstīja ceļotājs Greiems Andersons. Sagatavošanās darbi pirms paša pārgājiena jāveic ļoti rūpīgi – meklējot precīzas kartes, plānojot maršrutu, kā arī naktsmītnes ik pēc 30 līdz 40 kilometriem. Jāpiemin, ka 62 gadus vecais kungs neizvēlas īsāko ceļu pāri Latvijai, kas nozīmētu lielāko pārgājiena daļu mērot gar šosejām un lielceļiem. Ceļotājs labprātāk izvēlas klusākas un nomaļākas vietas, kas vijās caur mežu un saimnieciskās dzīves neskartām teritorijām. Latvijā Greiems Andersons viesojas jau astoto reizi. „Man ļoti patīk apskatīt dabu, kokus, putnus. Ceļā es satieku arī daudz cilvēku, ar kuriem mēģinu arī sarunāties," pastāstīja ceļotājs. Latviešu valodu Greiems Andersons apguvis pateicoties sievai Anitai, kuras vecāki ir latvieši. Arī ceļotāja meitas pārzinot latviešu valodu un brīvajā laikā labprāt te ciemojoties. Jēkabpilī Greiems ieradās pārgājiena ceturtajā dienā, bet 350 kilometru garo maršrutu viņš plāno pabeigt šajā nedēļas nogalē Igaunijas pierobežā. Ceļojumā gūtos iespaidus austrālietis fiksē arī savā interneta blogā.
Lāsma Skļarska

Link: www.jekabpilslaiks.lv/?mod=1&op=out&id=10357

Australian judge crossing Latvia on foot for the second time
Graham Anderson, a judge, lives in Melbourne, Australia with his wife and two daughters. He says that walking is his hobby. Last summer, Graham went on an around 700-kilometre ‘walk’ from the Russian border all the way to Liepaja, but this year he is heading from Latvia’s southernmost point at the Lithuanian border to the northernmost point on neighbouring Estonia’s border. “I love to walk! This year’s walk is only 11 days. Last year I walked for 24 days. This year it’s a short one!” traveller Graham Anderson told us. The preparation for a walk like this needs to be done very carefully – finding accurate maps, planning the route, also the nightly stopovers every 30 to 40 kilometres. We should mention that our 62-year-old walker has intentionally not chosen the shortest route through Latvia, as this would have meant the majority of the walk being along main roads. He preferred to choose quieter and out-of-the-way places, making his way through forests and areas unscathed by human activity. This is already Graham Anderson’s eighth trip to Latvia. “I really enjoy observing nature, looking at trees and the birds. I meet many people along the way and try and have a chat with them” explained our traveller. Graham Anderson learned the Latvian language from his wife, Anita whose parents were Latvian. Graham’s daughters also speak Latvian and love to spend their holidays in our country. Graham reached Jēkabpils on the fourth day of his walk, but plans to complete his 350-kilometre route at the end of this week at the Estonian border. Graham is also recording the impressions of his trip in an internet blog.

Bench - daring to use GA's password.

1 comment:

  1. I think I have watched this clip about 15 times - so far. After I heard from Bērziņi that it was on repeat cycle Latvian News Channel, I rang the the reporter from Jēkabpils who interviewed Graham (who features in the handshake greeting with her young daughter) and arranged for a copy to be made for collection at Jēkabpils. In the interim I sat transfixed for 39 - or so - minutes - until the news item was repeated - poised with my 10gig camera card directed on the computer screen, which was my only viewing option. All would have been well, except that the energy-saving screen function kicked in and the sound function didn't seem to work... Thank you You Tube and Juris :)

    I plan on a few more repeat viewings before I retire for the night. Tas viss ir tik neaprakstāmi aizkustinoši... (so incredibly moving...)
